Kaji Lab




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    M2の宮脇雄也です. 9月8日〜11日(現地時間)にドイツハンブルクで開催されたIWIN2019において研究発表を行いましたので報告します.


    Yuya Miyawaki, Katsuhiko Kaji, Implementation and Evaluation of Prompting Changeover System from Repetitive Behavior, International Workshop on Informatics(IWIN2018), 2019.

    この発表でStudent Awardを受賞しました.


    Children with developmental disorder are not so good at changeover behavior compared to children without developmental disorder. This characteristic is a major isue for them to live their daily lives. Therefore, prompting changeover behavior is very important. Moreover, when supporting prompting changeover, it is necessary to reduce the load on them and their supporters. The purpose of this study is to provide support for prompting changeover using voice and vibration. To that end, we developed a support equipment and verified the effectiveness of the support using it. The supporters operate the device at a timing when changeover is required. The changeover support is performed from the target object of repetitive behavior. Therefore, children with developmental disorder feel that the target object of repetitive behavior is providing the support. Thereby, they can respond to the prompting changeover support. We analyzed the effect of support from a case in which changeover support was implemented continuously. As verification of the effect, we continued to prompt changeover support at the children’s home with them. We recorded the progress of the children. For the evaluation, we did a video recording of their state with the supporter and an evaluation from the supporter. The prompting changeover success rate improved with repeated support. However, the success rate may decrease due to changes in their physical condition. From these results, we found out that the proposed support is effective as a changeover support for repetitive behavior.


    I did presentation in English for the first time. I couldn’t speak English. However, I finished the presentation safely. I am grateful to the professor and English teacher.

    初めてのヨーロッパで,とてもワクワクしていました. 時差ボケで眠い,自販機の使い方がわからない,空港で買ったサンドイッチが美味しくない等様々な経験をすることができとても有意義な1週間でした.

    また学会中にはいろいろな先生方ともお話ができ,発表自体は2日間しかありませんでしたがとても良かったです. 残念だったのは福祉や支援系の発表がなかったことです. ドイツに着いて一番印象に残っていることは,この落書きです.

    町中の至るところにこのキャラクターが居て少し楽しい気分になりました. みなさんもドイツハンブルクに行くことがあったらぜひ探してみてね♪ もう一つ印象に残っているのはなんか変なパンを食べたことです.

    表面にはマーブルチョコが乗せてあって,見た目に惹かれたて買ってしまいましたが,なんと!!中にチョコまで入っていてとても甘かったです. あとは,まあ美味しいご飯や少し観光などをして楽しみました.




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